Five quick tips for a low stress photo session

Scheduling a family photo session is a big deal. Finding the perfect photographer, coordinating everyone’s outfits, getting the rest of the family on board, then crossing your fingers that everything goes to plan and you walk away with the beautiful photographs you dream about. It’s daunting, right! Well, it doesn’t need to be. With a little bit of planning we can make sure your session is as fun and enjoyable as you imagine. Here are five quick tips for a stress free photo session.

  1. Leave it to the professionals! Book a hair appointment on the morning of your photo session, you’ll look and feel amazing and it will be one less thing you need to worry about.
  2. Lay your outfits out the night before, including all shoes and accessories, but don’t put them on until the last minute – just in case! 
  3. Allow yourself plenty of time to get everyone showered and ready for your session. I like to work my way back from the time we need to leave so I know we have plenty of time and we’re not rushing to get out the door. You don’t want to turn up to your photo shoot all hot and flustered!
  4. Fill their tummies! Sunset sessions can be quite late for the littlies, especially in Summer. If you’re heading out for dinner after your session it’s a good idea to give everyone a nice healthy snack to fill their tummies and tide them over until after the session. The last thing you want is the kids (or hubby) complaining they’re hungry the whole time!
  5. Get a good night’s sleep! Tired and cranky does not photograph well! Try to get an early night the night before so everyone wakes up feeling fresh and fabulous.

Let me help you plan a stress-free photo session for your family!